Marc Rauer has used this web site for course related content shown through HTML script since the summer of '09. Below are a list of the scripts used since 2009. This is for your reference.

  1. index for fall09
  2. index for spring'10
  3. index for fall'10
  4. index for Spring'11
  5. Index For ssii'11
  6. Index for fall'11
  7. Index for Spring'12
  8. Index for summerii12
  9. Index for Spring 2013
  10. Index for Summer II 2013
  11. Index For Fall'13
  12. Index for spring'14
  13. Index for ss1'14

And, you can see previous tests by clicking here

There are several tutorials in Word that you might be interested

The origins of this exercise are kind of cute (although aggravating at the time) but the emphasis is how to condense a letter.