Below, you can select and load the files pertaining to prevous excel test. One of the things I do not like about computer generalted tests is that they rely on true/false or one word answers. We've accepted this on the varioius book related web sites for Word as time does not permit the exploration of whether that site will allow for specific problems to be solved. Your instructor expects to add a problem solving component to any excel test as it is important to be able to lay out a problem and resolve it in the real world.
To that end, the tests below have you resolve specific problems. These are not fill in the blanks.
Below we present one of the tests for tghe period of Fall'13 through ss1'14.
To bring down one of the 3 to 6 tests given for the Excel test in throughout the period of Fall'13 through summer session one' 14, click here.Below we present one of the excel tests from the Spring term'2013
To bring down one of the 2 tests given for the Excel test in Spring 2013, click here.Below we present one of the excel tests from the Spring term'2012
To bring down one of the 2 tests given for the Excel test in Spring 2012, click here.This was the test for Summer Session II, 2011. The test was given on August 22nd. it consists of a fill in the blanks question and 2 exproblems, one that you fill in, the other as part of an excel spreadsheet.
click here to load the 2011 ssII excel test
Click here to load the bond receipts.xlsx excel file
The test below is the Excel test given for the Spring '11 semester.
Click Here for the testThe test below was given during the last 2 weeks of class for the various classes of Spring '10
To bring down one of the 3 tests given for the Excel test, click here.The test below was given just before Thanksgiving '09
Bring down the Fall '09 Excel testThe next test was given in April 09 and involves the test itself and 3 xlsx files.
Bring down the Spring '09 Excel testBelow is the test given in the fall of 2008. You can access this test by clicking on the links
Bring down the Fall'08 excel testBelow is both the tests and answers to the Summer II'10 class at Nerc, July and August at NERC
Test 1Below is the test from 2008.
Below is an excel spreadsheet that gives the answers to the test. The first sheet does both problems associated with the famous name deli and shows the equations. The second sheet does the njed problem by sub total. The third sheet does the paed problem by the new table construct and pivot tables
Answer to testBelow are the excel tests created for Fall'2010. Two types of classes were being given, CIS103 and OA106 and the tests were structured differently for each.
For OA106:
The test can be accessed by clicking here.
The file bondreceipts.xls can be accessed by clicking here
For CIS103
You can download one of the test by Clicking here
Here are the files used in both tests: 777rauer stats-Community arms-tdc stats-Blondie